Do you ever have any issues with trying to get your blog to pull something up in the correct color?? I am it keeps doing it wrong in Picsa and it keeps doing these particular drawings wrong in blogspot now too! do you have any suggestions?
I love Janice!!! I use to walk around the house with one of my moms towels on my head trying to be her! I really like your style. It's just full of fun and whimsy! You had me from the door with that. You have such a great blog! I just took some time and looked and read. I don't get to do it as much as I would like too these days. I really had a fun time looking at your processes and illustration. Great job! I will be back for more of your creative Joy juice!
I hope we've all learned a valuable lesson from this about bleaching one's hair.
Thanks, Becky, for saving us all.
Hey Becca,
Do you ever have any issues with trying to get your blog to pull something up in the correct color?? I am it keeps doing it wrong in Picsa and it keeps doing these particular drawings wrong in blogspot now too! do you have any suggestions?
Nevermind Rebecca, I'm dumb. I didn't realize it was tryig to import the file in CMYK.
I love Janice!!! I use to walk around the house with one of my moms towels on my head trying to be her! I really like your style. It's just full of fun and whimsy! You had me from the door with that. You have such a great blog! I just took some time and looked and read. I don't get to do it as much as I would like too these days. I really had a fun time looking at your processes and illustration. Great job! I will be back for more of your creative Joy juice!
heyy. thanx for your comment. 'tea party' is very mucho nice!
nice jobs!!!good bye!
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