A few progress shots from a little book I just finished up about a girl who's house guest turns out to be more than she bargained for. Watercolor & Gouache (on paper that I'll never use again so I won't even utter it's name!)
This was such a fun project to work on! Since I don't usually draw monkeys I spent a little time sketching as many as I could. I was trying to figure out their designs, different personalities and silhouettes. Throughout the book more & more monkeys show up, plus a gorilla, so it was challenging toward the end!
I also had this "brilliant" idea that I would have the background color intensify as the story progressed. (Otherwise it would have been the same jungle background in every single image, boring!) Here's a color script showing the background starting out blue, turning more yellow & green and finally orange with an explosion of color in the last frame of the story.
If you're interested you can take a look at the entire book here.
My latest round of postcards featuring monkeys from a book I illustrated. It's hard to know how successful sending postcards to publishers/art directors is, I've had mixed results, but I'm still new at it.
Do you remember Jim Henson's "The Dark Crystal"?? Puppets and prophecies, what more could a kid in the 80's want? It has to be one of my favorite movies (and the reason I love Jim Henson and Brian/Wendy Froud) so here's a couple of sketches of the gelflings.
I was looking through some of my sketches trying to see if there was anything worth revisiting and I decided to do something with an old art nouveau, mucha-esque thing I did a few years ago (shocking I know).
I've been working like crazy to get things ready for my senior show. And guess what - I actually took progress pictures! I started in acrylic, finished in oil and tried to channel Klimt. :)
I'm having an art show and you are all invited! It will have new, never before seen work in it AND if you come to the opening reception you could be one of the lucky people who get to buy pins and prints of my work! I'll be posting more work in the following weeks, including the ones on the pins, so keep an eye out!
Just bought an Intuous4 and I LOVE it! It actually draws what I want it to and I'm psyched :) Does anyone know why blogger desaturates the colors when you upload images??
I was lucky enough to go to New York with the art department at UVU earlier this year - here are a few of my favorite drawings from the sketchbook I brought along.